Our KNITKNOTS meet every Friday in a companionable environment - knitting, crocheting and enjoying a 'cuppa tea' together. We are based in Johannesburg, South Africa and our purpose is fellowship, companionship and Christian outreach. We teach each other, support one another and churn out beautiful handmade items. These items are collected and fed into various charities under the direction of our church - "The New Harvest Christian Fellowship". Please contact us if you want to join or ask a question :)

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

We're growing...

Greetings from the KnitKnots!

Our Friday 'Get-togethers' can best be described as happy, companionable, bantering tea-parties.  It's all in the name of fellowship, companionship and charity. Between us all we hope to do good - for one another,  and also for others less fortunate than ourselves.

We get together once a week and spend about two fun hours together  

 It's a very happy place to be and it has been wonderful to watch the personal growth of our members and the oozing generosity which flows from their hearts.  So many wonderful knitted and crocheted items have been made in the process. Friendships are forming as we speak and deep bonds are developing. We have some wonderfully skilled ladies too...and lots of wool (for the moment)  God is definitely at work in our midst and we feel truly blessed.

The enthusiasm for our efforts is spilling out into wider networks too:

People have been so generous with the items they have handed in to us.

(Above: The 'waiting on God' blanket handed in by Helen Brimson)

(Above: Beautiful knee rugs made by Ruth Barnes)
(Above: Beautiful scarf made by Amy Dowse)
(Above: Beanies made by Gudrun Gebhardt)


Our biggest surprise, however,  arrived in Susan's car one Friday afternoon. Her little vehicle was absolutely brimming with blankets! There were TWENTY FOUR single-bed-sized, handmade crocheted blankets in total.  It is a HUGE, generous donation from the Wednesday group - 'Stitch and Bitch'.  Thank you so much ladies!  We took great delight in unpacking the car and displaying the beautiful blankets in the little library adjacent to the clubhouse.  
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you ladies!  
You guys are absolutely awesome!

 These blankets are all earmarked for a handover at 'Emthonjeni' (meaning 'the fountain') this coming week:  24 young and vulnerable children will be receiving their personal blankets and we can't wait to give it to them. Thank you to the 'Stitch and Bitch', Wednesday group, for making this gift possible.  We are very, very grateful for your love and support. God Bless you all!


Some time ago I was asked for help - to start a small "knitting basket"  project at HAIR COMPLETE - in the NHC Centre along Witkoppen Road, Randburg.  I wrote up a manual, scouted for some hooks and needles, sourced a small variety of wool colors and delivered it to them.  The ladies at the Salon have wanted to do this for sometime now.  They were soon ready for action.

It wasn't long  before  I received a call - A very enthusiastic voice on the other end of the phone told me that they had made real progress and wanted me to come and collect their squares.  What a joy it was to go along and witness their obvious progress in encouraging a new skill. It seems that they have taught their whole staff now.  Well done ladies and thank you for your enthusiasm.

The squares that have been handed in will be added to the KnitKnots pile.  These will eventually be stitched together and made into blankets for charity. Thank you again and keep up your excellent work!
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Our KnitKnots ladies are currently busy on a number of projects: 

We are making squares (20cm x 20cm - crocheted or knitted); knee blankets, single-bed sized blankets; baby blankets; baby jerseys;  bootees; beanies; scarves, etc 

The guideline, however, is 'Make what makes you happy and we'll find it a home.  To this end we've set up a small panel who will make the final decisions of where our end-products go.

Thank you Felicity, Susan and Ellalene for being our "Decision" panel!

I would like to say a special "thank you" to Ellalene Brown and the management of THE OLIVE RETIREMENT VILLAGE for the use of their beautiful clubhouse on a Friday afternoon.  Some of the residents have joined us now - which is an added bonus - and we encourage others to join us too.  We are really grateful for this privilege...THANK YOU!

As readers will know, we recently had a raffle to raise money for our wool stocks.  Our team went on a shopping trip, so now we are ready for action :
(Above: Our wool stocks...replenished...for the moment)

If you are interested in joining our KnitKnots, or would like to make a donation towards wool, please contact our church office directly (click on the link in the sidebar, or leave a comment).  We look forward to meeting you or having you in our group. 

Sending lots of love
'till next time

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